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Search by custom fields, post meta, taxonomies, tags, categories, authors, post types, post dates and more – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin with Ajax!

Demo 1 (Movies) Demo 2 (WooCommerce)

It allows you to Search & Filter your posts / custom posts / products by any number of parameters allowing your users to easily find what they are looking for on your site, whether it be a blog post, a product in an online shop and more.

WordPress meta data and taxonomy filters

Users can filter by Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Custom Fields, Post Meta, Post Dates, Post Types and Authors, or any combination of these easily.

Use for blogs, reviews sites, news sites, property sites and more.

Great for searching in your online shop, tested with: WooCommerce (+product attributes), WP eCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

Screenshots of Search & Filter admin section and when used in different themes (2013 and WooCommerce) – click to open full size images.

[metaslider id=688]


Features List

  1. Create forms to search your posts, products, or any other custom post types in your site
  2. Add WordPress meta data and taxonomy filters to your site
  3. Drag and drop interface – makes building and editing forms so much easier
  4. Use AJAX to display results! No page refreshes. Also power your pagination with Ajax
  5. Auto Count / Dynamic Count – dynamically update the count values in the search forms as a user is searching to reflect the correct number of terms for the current search.
  6. Modifies the main query, so displaying your results is easy
  7. Create as many different search forms as you like, and as many results pages as you like
  8. Display anywhere in your pages or themes using widgets or shortcodes
  9. Include or exclude tags, categories and taxonomies from your search results
  10. Available Fields:
    • Search
      • add a search input field to your forms to allow users to enter text – uses the same functionality as you current search box – this may be the default search behaviour or enhanced behaviour from other plugins such as Relevanssi
      • Live Update – with Ajax enabled, your search results will auto update whilst typing
    • Tag, Category, Taxonomy – allow users to filter by any combination of these
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen
      • options: hierarchical, hide empty terms, display count, exclude terms by ID
      • order terms by: ID, name, slug, count, term group
      • search logic: all terms must be included (AND), or any of the terms must be included (OR)
    • Post Type
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen
    • Post Date
      • input types: single date, date range
      • jQuery Date Picker
      • Choose if the picker has a dropdown for months/years
      • Date display formats: “dd/mm/yyyy”, “mm/dd/yyyy” and “yyyy/mm/dd”
    • Post Meta – allow users to search custom fields/meta data
      •  allow users to select between number ranges, date picker and choice fields
      • input types:
        • number: range slider, range number, range radio buttons
        • choice: dropdown, radio, checkbox, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen 
        • date: jQuery date picker, single date or two two date pickers to select a date range – supports dates saved in the database in the format YYYYMMDD or as a timestamp
    • Author
      • input types: dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multiselects, single or multiselect comboboxes from Chosen 
      • options: hide authors with no posts, display count, exclude admins, use full names
      • order authors by: ID, name, email, url, registred date, login, post count
    • Sort Order – a field to allow users to sort results by various parameters including meta data
      • Options: sort results by ID, author, title, name, date, date modified, parent ID, random, comment count and menu order
      • Meta Data: this can include by popularity, price, or anything else you use your meta fields for as numerically or you can sort your meta data alphabetically.
      • Choose whether sorting is ASC or DESC – both are optional.
      • Custom labels for all options – completely customise text that is displayed in the dropdown
  11. Frontend UI elements – jQuery date picker, range sliders and comboboxes from Chosen.
  12. Use custom templates for your search results.
  13. I18n ready – translations are planned
  14. Works with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin – allows you to search with dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons and multiselect even where the meta value is serialized.  Essentially, if you are using any of the Basic fields (not text area) or Choice fields then you can filter these in Search & Filter Pro.  Date Picker is now also supported provided the date is stored as “yymmdd” as the save option with ACF.
  15. Integrated with WooCommerce – use directly on your shop page, search Product Attributes and Meta across regular products and product variations 🙂
  16. Works with WP eCommerce
  17. Works with Easy Digital Downloads
  18. Works with WPML
  19. Dedicated Support Forum
  20. 1 Year of Support and Upgrades



Head over to the docs which covers how to use Search & Filter Pro.  We’re working on adding more info and video tutorials soon.

Get started with the docs



We provide support between Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5.30pm GMT but if we’re online outside of those hours don’t be surprised to get a reply from us.

Support is provided through our support forums using the login details you supplied when purchasing the plugin:

Head to the support forums


Ratings & Reviews

Read the Reviews for Search & Filter Pro
Read the Reviews for our free plugin



958 Responses to “Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin”

  1. How to use date rage in short code

    i am now using this one
    [searchandfilter taxonomies=”searchandfilter taxonomies=”search,category,post_tag,post_date”]

    but i need to search like from-to date type

  2. Hey!

    I`m considering purchasing your plugin. Would like to know if this plugin provides a user with opportunity to exclude some of categories or tags from a filter (to show only several ones, not all of them).

    Thank you for your answer.

    • Ross

      Sorry for the (v) late reply – sure, you have this option in the admin UI


  3. Peter

    Hi, I am looking for a plugin like yours to use with another Database Plugin. Will your S&F plugin allow me to search multiple/custom fields in a separate database plugin (I was looking at the ‘Participants Database’ plugin which only offers search one field at a time)? BTW, I am very new at this and on a big learning curve. Thanks in advance for your advice. 🙂

    • Ross

      Sorry for the extremely late reply (going through some old comments on teh site) – I’m afraid S&F will not search external tables.


  4. Cool plugin. Trying it out now. Moron question because I’m not an expert but if I have a particular page with a members list on it (using Ultimate Membership Pro plugin), can your plugin search the results of a particular page? The page itself it just shortcode for the member list.

    Basically they should have your type of plugin built in to theirs but they do not. Maybe an opportunity?

    I listed our site “but” it’s restricted but I can think you get what I mean. If you e-mail I can send you a screen shot.

    Keep up the great work!!

    • Ross

      I’m afraid S&F cannot search contents within a page (or another shortcode) in this fashion. Best

  5. Derek Knox

    Can i search and filter woo commerce products based on ACF’s attached to each product and Woo attributes?

  6. alex

    Hi, I have a question. Can I have the filter items in horizontal position ? ( one next to the other instead one below the other ? ) please let me know.KR, Alexandra

    • Ross

      Sure, just a bit of CSS will do the trick – we can help with this just open a ticket in the forums 🙂

  7. Sergio

    I am very interested in your plugin, but I need that product category filters works in a “AND” mode and update the other category counts.

    I am not sure that your plugin can do this, it seems that always works in a “OR” mode. Could you tell me how does it works?


    • Ross

      Absolutely – you can choose the relationship AND / OR within each field, and you also have a global relationship setting to choose AND / OR which defines how the fields behave BETWEEN each other 🙂

  8. Alan

    This is just awesome! Very advanced ! I’m a proud user of this 🙂

    What about adding a new option to sort the results by post views?!?

  9. Yaniv

    Hi there.
    I have a WP site working with PremiumPress theme.
    I plan to buy your search & filter pro plugin, but before doing so, I want to make sure that the plugin can work with mt theme search results and filter them. E.g I want to use the built-in search engine on my site and only use your plugin for filtering the results with AJAX.

    Another thing, can you explain what is the difference between a single site license and developer license?


  10. Derek

    Hi Guys

    Can you use Woo and ACF field searches at the same time?

    Is there any plans to have a geo search in the future (search by location/radius and show map + filter by ACF’s)

    Thank you!

  11. Joshua

    Hi, I recently purchased your plugin but I can’t seem to get it working correctly… I have it set up to show the results on an Archive page. I then provided a custom page (page-results.php) to show the results – however, when it loads the results, it fetches all posts and not the ones matching the search? It’s funny because the plugin clearly knows which post belong to what category etc. as it is displaying the number of posts beside each on the filter/search page.

    I may also note that I am using CPT UI plugin…

    Hope to hear from you soon!


  12. William Oliveira

    This plugin is compatible with BeTheme? I tried *** and have no success…

  13. Steve

    Is the Pro license fee for just one year? What is the cost to renew a license?

  14. Corrado Prever

    Any news about WPML issues?

    At the present time is not working with WPML

  15. jac

    Hi I had asked a question about using it with another plugin events calendar and noticed you have answered other questions, is there a reason why you didn’t answer mine?

    • Ross

      Hi Jac- sorry for the delay, the reason is because I needed to put some extra time into testing the two out – I haven’t had time as of yet so can’t confirm.

      S&F supports custom post types and meta data – so in principle it will be able to search events in some way, but it depends on how that plugin stores its dates. If you could shed some light on that, I’ll be able to advise 🙂

  16. iamfablaz

    i’d need to search range values determined by a numer field using WP Types Toolset.
    What would be great for doing this is a range slider like in the Demo Movies (oscar field)
    Is your plugin able to do that?


    • Ross

      Yup – we have a slider which works on post meta as long as its numerical – which sounds exactly like what you are describing 🙂

      • iamfablaz

        thanks for the reply Ross, meanwhile i’v ebeen reading other comments and your discussion with Marco convinced me to buy the plugin, and yes i can confirm it works perfectly for my needs and even more.

  17. Kyio

    Hi, i posted a question asking about the feature. why is my comment being deleted?

  18. Mike

    is it posible to create an PDF from the results after selection of the filters? Can i use the selection query and send the query maybe to the fpdf lib?

    Thank you,

    • Ross

      You can attach S&F to any custom query, so you could create a `new WP_Query`, attach S&F (in our docs) and you would be able to do whatever you want with teh query object – you could also do this after the query has been displayed on your page, and send the same query object off to your pdf creation process. Thanks




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